Posted on Sat 28 December 2024 in HTB challenge
This is a writeup of the Insomnia challenge which is a web challenge from Hack The Box.
First register a account: asdf:asdf
From ProfileController.php we know that the flag is shown if the user is logged in as Administrator
From UserController.php we know that the login only verifies user name if no password provided.
$db = db_connect();
$json_data = request()->getJSON(true);
if (!count($json_data) == 2) {
return $this->respond("Please provide username and password", 404);
$query = $db->table("users")->getWhere($json_data, 1, 0);
$result = $query->getRowArray();
Intercept login with burp
change username remove password
This gives us the flag: